Registration Open For the Session 2025-2026 for Classes L.K.G. to IX. SEATS ARE LIMITED. Click on Online Registration.


1. Parents & guardians are not allowed to enter the classroom/ without the permission of the Principal.

2. Parents are requested not to send their wards to the school who are suffering from an infectious disease till they recover as this threatens the health of the other children.

3. No parent may meet children during school hours without prior permission of the Principal.

4. Guardians should see that their wards do not remain absent except under unavoidable circumstances as it badly hampers the progress of the pupil.

5. Parents/guardians should look into the Child's school diary everyday as a ritual and see that the lessons and home-work assigned are done without fail.

6. The child should be encouraged by parents to cultivate good manners and hygienic habits.

7. It is suggested to get in touch with the school authorities for providing the required guidance and strategies to tackle the problem and for close monitoring.

8. Adverse criticism of either teacher or school in the presence of child should be totally avoided as it not only results in the child losing respect for the teacher but also the much needed interest in the studies.

9. The child should be encouraged by parents for study at home independently with serious effect.

10. Withdrawal of a child for merely attending religious ceremonies/social functions is not at all desirable as it disrupts the continuity in educations.

11. Parents/Guardians will assist us in our efforts to infuse self-confidence and to bring out the talent of the children so that they traverse the right path of life with grit and determination to face challenges.


1. Loitering on the way while coming to the school or returning home is totally discouraged. Misbehavior in public places justifies dismissal. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct.

2. Change of classroom between periods should be done in silence & in an orderly fashion.

3. Students are strictly forbidden to purchase any eatable from unauthorized vendors near the school premises.

4. Any damage done by a student to the building, library, furniture, apparatus or any other school property will have to be made good by the guardian.

5. Students are advised to keep their classroom/school building as neat as possible & throw leftovers in the dustbins only.

6. Students should be clean & neatly dressed every day.

7. The school is not responsible for the loss of books, stationary or any other valuable things of the student during school hours.

8. Students coming late or remaining absent from school without permission should submit an explanation counter signed by their parents to their class teachers.

9. Students are not allowed to wear any ornaments, watches or bring any valuable articles to school.

10. Students are not allowed to go back home earlier than the school hours. In case of an emergency, permission from the Principal has to be taken.

11. 75% attendance is compulsory for every student to appear in the Final Exam.

12. The students should be in the school premises before the school starts.

13.All the students are expected to attend the school on the reopening day after each of the vacations. Absence without prior leave renders the student's name to be struck off the rolls.

14.An absentee must on return to school produce an application from his parents or guardian duly explaining the cause of absence. (The name of the child will be struck off, if a child remains absent for 6 days continuously without permission or informing the authorities in writing.

15.All students are requested to bring his/her school diary to school every day.


- Summer: April To October - 8.00 AM To 1.40 PM

- Winter: November To March - 8.30AM To 2.10 PM

- Uniforms are compulsory for all Students, Student is not allowed to Entry in School Without Uniform.


1. The school provides transport facilities on selected routes. Bus fee is payable in advance along with tuition fee.

2. Discontinuation of conveyance in mid session is not allowed.

3. if a child changes residence, change to another school bus is not permitted without permission.

4. No new routes or stops will be created unless it is warranted by sufficient demand & does not affect the bus routine.

5. All students availing the school bus must ensure that they maintain discipline in & out of the bus or they may be deprived of this facility.

6. Note: No conveyance facility will be provided during extra classes.

7. All the students who avail bus facility will have to pay conveyance fee for 11 months.


1. The Students should be in the school premises before the school starts.

2. Guardians should see that their wards do not remain absent except under unavoidable circumstances as it badly hampers the progress of the pupil.

3. All the students are expected to attend the school on the reopening day after each of the vacations. Absence without prior leave renders the student's name to be struck off the rolls.


1. The Academic year is divided into 2 terms i.e., Half yearly & Annual Examination.

2. The Promotion to next class will entirely depend on the student's performance in these examinations and Unit Tests collectively.

3. No retest will be conducted for absentees. In case of absence due to illness medical certificate has to be produced.

4. The progress report of the wards will be sent to the guardians and they must return the same to the class teacher, duly signed by them.

5. Note: Classes XII will be finally assessed on the CBSE pattern, It is necessary for the students to clear the Pre-Board Exam. to appear for the Bord Examination.

6. Note: It is compulsory for all the Students to pass Sanskrit (as third language) at the end of Std. VIII.

7. Note: The Students appearing in CBSE Exam. are directed to have at least 75% attendance otherwise their Admission Cards will not be issued.

8. 75% attendance is compulsory for every student to appera in the Final Exam. Vide order No. FDE/School/Promotion Rules/9/2001/18663-20963 dtd.8-9-2001.


1. All school dues should be paid by the 10th of these months i.e., April, May, July, Aug.,Oct.,Dec. and Feb.

2. A fine of Rs.5/- from 11th to 15th and Rs.10/- from 16th to 20th will be charged if dues are not paid.

3. If a student does not pay school dues, together with fine if any, by the last working day of the month, his/her readmission will be done only on the payment of the school dues including re-admission fee.

4. Fee concession granted may be withdrawn for misconduct. irregular attendance or failure in the final examination.

5. Fee should not be sent with students.

6. Fee timings will be from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM.